
東京五輪汚職事件でK ADOKAWA立件、東京地検 [女優]



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tag: UCK_SP1RT1ZQMu1OIaPagEkg,kapaa!知恵袋,海外の反応,カッパえんちょー,柴犬,動物,韓国,中国,政治,ニュース,NEWS,日中,日中関係,沖縄,尖閣諸島,中国経済,竹島,独島,日韓,日韓関係,日韓断交,歴史,菅総理,菅首相,菅政権,文在寅,文在寅大統領,文大統領,文政権,韓国経済,コロナ過,新型コロナ,コロナワクチン,ワクチン,米国,アメリカ,バイデン大統領,バイデン政権,習近平,北朝鮮,金正恩,日米首脳会談,バイデン,台湾,半導体,福島第一原発,トリチウム,小室圭,秋篠宮,眞子さま,天皇陛下,皇室,岸田文雄,岸田総裁,岸田総理,岸田政権,岸田内閣,自民党総裁選,自民党総裁選挙,反田,そりた,ソリタ
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OfficialAl ienDisclosure? [モデル]

Official Alien Disclosure? Part 2 - Oumuamua, Pentagon UFO, Critters, Interdimensional Beings
The South Korean airport UFO, and the international airline pilot's video of strange light formations at 40,000 feet have both been presented in serious media around the world in the last week or so. The Pentagon in late November announced the creation of another version of its UFO research department, this time going into more threat specific detail. It's like we've gone from laughing out loud at UFO stories to reading about or seeing them almost daily on news channels and government announcements.
What is going on? Are we really getting close to a paradigm shift? When humanity wakes up one morning with the reality of not being alone? It's certainly beginning to look that way.
In this video I look at the case of Oumuamua, the strange elongated interstellar comet which Professor Avi Loeb is adamant that it is of alien origin. I also examine Trevor James Constable's 'critter's - giant invisible atmospheric creatures which may be responsible for many sightings, from the foo fighters of World War 2 to modern airline pilots', along with a plethora of footage from Mexico and Japan, usually around volcanoes.
We'll also examine the interdimensional being, or parallel dimension possibility, including the ghost cities of China, the fata morgana illusions which may be a lot more than we've been told. Also, Luis Elizondo's interview with GQ magazine following his whislteblowing of the entire Nimitz Tic Tac incident. As former head of the pentagon's UFO section, he has a lot to say on the matter - and it's definitely worth listening to what he says between the lines...

Filmed with a Panasonic Lumix FZ300/FZ330 with a Polaroid UV lens.
On location in the Carpathian Mountains of Slovakia.

Keywords: extraterrestrial disclosure, ufo disclosure, carpathian adventure, luis elizondo aliens, luis elizondo gq, jeremy corbell, skinwalker ranch, oumuamua alien, constable critters, tic tac ufo, tic tac uap, foo fighters, china sky cities, china mirage cities, avi loeb aliens, helen sharman aliens, pentagon aliens, pentagon ufo, how many americans believe in aliens, astrobiology, interdimensional beings, parallel universe, are ufos real, brookings report, real ufo footage, aliens on earth, evidence for extraterrestrial life, mars ruins, drake equation, portal between earth and sun
tag: extraterrestrial disclosure,ufo disclosure,carpathian adventure,luis elizondo aliens,luis elizondo gq,jeremy corbell,skinwalker ranch,oumuamua alien,constable critters,tic tac ufo,tic tac uap,foo fighters,china mirage cities,avi loeb aliens,helen sharman aliens,pentagon aliens,pentagon ufo,interdimensional beings,parallel universe,are ufos real,brookings report,real ufo footage,aliens on earth,mars ruins,earth sun portal,edward o'toole
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